Thursday, July 20, 2023

Ep 164. The One with McNair & Curiosity


In the 164th episode of The Main Street Electrical Podcast, Jenn & Dave continue their conversation with author/speaker/creative brain and former Disney Imagineer McNair Wilson!

In this second part of their long chat, McNair shares stories about Hoop de Doo Revue and the celebrities he met... a love of Rocky & Bullwinkle... more Eisner... more Marty S
klar... a friendship with Mel Brooks (and a crush on his wife... Mrs Robinson. Yep, that one.)

Plus, sharing the story of designing the original ideas for Hollywood Tower of Terror and how it came to be what you know today. 

And, McNair shares the title and details of his new book, and we all answer the question of why Curiosity is such an important thing. 

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